Louise Burns
My first name: Louise
My last name: Burns
My age: 17
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Main instrument: bass
Other instruments played: piano, triangle
Eye Color: green/blue (depends what I’m wearing)
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 8'9
Marital Status: casually single
Qualities You Look For In A Partner Are: what a stupid question
My Dream mate: ?
My Future Goals Are: to go to university
My Favorite Saying/Quote Is:
"Live your own life, not the life others say you should"
My motto in life is: be yourself (wow, how original)
still in high school
What Would You Do With $1 Million Dollars:
invest and donate
My favorite band/artist (s):
The Beatles, Silverchair, Incubus, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Weezer, Jimi Hendrix
My favorite website (s):
My favorite movie (s): Wild Hearts Cant Be Broken, Soldier, She knows, He's Back, The Son
My hobbies include: writing, playing piano and bass, horseback riding, throwing jeans into
the air, making pizzas, talking to Jeff
My favorite color: blue
How would you describe your fashion style: comfort
My first concert attended: Fred Penner
Any tattoos? If not what would you get: getting a native killer whale drawing on my back
If your house was on fire, which one item would you
take with you?:
everything i could
If you were not a musician, what would you be doing?:
something equestrian-related, and school, listening to music
What upsets you the most?: when other people are upset
What's your favorite food?:
scones (my moms homemade, with jam), fruit
Favorite TV show?: Francine Dancer
Coolest person you've ever met?: tons
I'd give anything to meet?:
George Harrison (unfortunately, that’s completely impossible)
You'd never know that I .?: come on den!
The Group
Lacey-Lee Evin
Tasha-Ray Evin
Kim Urhahn
Louise Burns