Kim Urhahn Biography

My first name: Kim
My last name: Urhahn
My age: 23
Zodiac sign: Libra
Main instrument: Drums
Other instruments played: Backup vocals, bongos
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: Taller then all the other girls
Marital Status: Why, are you asking?
Qualities You Look For In A Partner Are: Not missing teeth, has all their hair, is taller than me
My Dream mate: The Drummer Extraordinaire
My Future Goals Are: Play drums well
My Favorite Saying/Quote Is: Shitake (makes a Llama face)
My motto in life is: Appreciate everything
Education: Graduated Lord Byng High school in Vancouver, graduated Vancouver Community College, Music diploma specializing in Latin percussion
What Would You Do With $1 Million Dollars: Buy stuff
My favorite band/artist (s): The Ramones
My favorite website (s): Mine of course! Duh
My favorite movie (s): Pootie Tang
My hobbies include: Playing drums, sewing
My favorite color: Green
How would you describe your fashion style: A girl wearing clothes
My first concert attended: Tiffany
Any tattoos? If not what would you get: Oh yah!
If your house was on fire, which one item would you take with you?: Is there enough time to unload the whole drum set?
If you were not a musician, what would you be doing?: Open my own clothing store
What upsets you the most?: Dishonest people
What's your favorite food?: gummy candy (is that a food?)
Favorite TV show?: Letterman (I love Anton)
Coolest person you’ve ever met?: Simkin (ha ha) - Mike Mangini (drum god)
I’d give anything to meet?: Gina Shock, Cindy Blackman (more drummers)
You’d never know that I …?: Can belch better then a guy


The Group
Lacey-Lee Evin
Tasha-Ray Evin
Kim Urhahn
Louise Burns