Tasha-Ray Evin Biography

My first name: Tasha-Ray
My last name: Evin
My age: 17
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Main instrument: guitar
Other instruments played: flute, bass, drums, keys
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blond
Height: 5'2
Marital Status: single
Qualities You Look For In A Partner Are: smart, funny, anyone who isn't materialistic..and superficial.
My Dream mate: Taylor Hanson
My Future Goals Are: do a tour around the world
My Favorite Saying/Quote Is: bulletproof
My motto in life is: the one who denied it, supplied it!
Education: high school student
What Would You Do With $1 Million Dollars: donate money to preserve the rain forest, invest.
My favorite band/artist (s): radiohead
My favorite website (s):
My favorite movie (s): what dreams may come
My hobbies include: fishing, writing songs, singing, guitar, camping, archery.
My favorite color: black
How would you describe your fashion style: conservative/rock
My first concert attended: philosopher kings
Any tattoos?: No
If not what would you get: don't know yet
If your house was on fire, which one item would you take with you?: toothbrush, underwear.
If you were not a musician, what would you be doing?: biologist
What upsets you the most?: neglect
What's your favorite food?: sushi
Favorite TV show?: Seinfeld
Coolest person you've ever met?: WEEZ
I'd give anything to meet?: Kurt Cobain
You'd never know that I .?:worst speller in the world!!


The Group
Lacey-Lee Evin
Tasha-Ray Evin
Kim Urhahn
Louise Burns